Think inside the box: Why most creatives fall at the first hurdle and how to get back up

In creative work, most people think they want creative freedom and to 'think outside the box'.

All across the world, creatives of all disciplines do the same thing, grabbing a big blank sheet of paper, opening a new doc, or setting up a new canvas to begin a big new project. Then they get smacked by the blank starting point staring back at them.

You know the feeling. It leaves you:

  • losing inspiration in your ideas and feeling paralysed

  • doubting your creativity and competency

  • getting stuck in a loop of putting off your projects

Good creatives never start from nothing.

Starting with a blank page, is like trying to make a stir fry when you haven't even bought your ingredients.

When you cook, you know the order in which you need to do things, you don't try to mash the potato before you've peeled it. But in creative work, we often jump straight into the cooking before we even know what our ingredients are.

Build yourself a box and create within its walls.

Starting from nothing, is draining, unpredictable and overwhelming. Gifting yourself some precise limitations will dramatically enhance your work.

You'll find more freedom and flow from working with some limitations. Think about your project before hand, decide how long you'll work for, what single idea you'll work on and a tone, quality or style you want to try out. These simple boundaries will help specify what you are doing. Imagine it as going to the grocery store.

Too much freedom kills creativity.

You don't want to think 'outside the box' you want to build your own box and 'think inside it'.

For less overwhelm, set boundaries.

Pick your ingredients before you try to cook.

Gift yourself some limitations and you will be more present, fulfilled and effective in your creativity.


Everyone is a Creative. But what is Creativity? A Framework For Creative Thought to Help You Level Up.


Starting your creative project: Why you are putting your energy in the wrong place